Saturday, August 31, 2013

We found $00.50 USD at IST!

After several days of hectic packing and generally being at each other’s throats, followed by a tearful farewell with family, friends, and Felus, we find ourselves  sitting here in Istanbul's international airport, drinking our first international cocktail: a home-grown $1 dollar mini Evan Williams and $5 Turkish can of Sprite, 10:50AM Chicago time, 6:50PM local time (piwo z rana jak smietana).

Upon landing here in Istanbul, we decided to roam around the airport a bit, not looking for anything in particular, but just to stretch our legs and kill some time during our 3 hour layover here. We got to a dead end next to the Turkish Air VIP lounge, and just as we were contemplating how the hell one gets a ride on  one of those airport taxis that get dangerously close to running over people’s feet while honking incessantly through airports (this must be universal), lo and behold, we see ...

... motherfucking 50 Cent with two of his posse/friends/bodyguards.

A million thoughts rush through my head. Do I say anything? Do I ask for an autograph? Do I take a picture? When we made eye contact with Fifty ...

... it was clear - he was in a big ass airport in a foreign country tired and wanting to go home, just like half of the people there (except for us, at least the wanting to go home part). He didn’t look like he was in the mood for mingling with fans. Before we got a chance to spread the good news of his presence, he zipped off, his driver honking, presumably to the flight heading to New York, which was boarding in a few minutes.

For those you decrying “Pics or didn’t happen!”. Well, we don’t have pics, but we assure you, it did happen. You’ll just have to trust us. Hah!

Either this  is a great omen for even better chance meetings and experiences to come, or everything from here on out will be a disappointment in comparison.

Time to jump on the next 9 hour flight and 4 hour time difference.

1 comment:

  1. Being ancient and from the generation of opera/symphony/theater (real theater :-) goers, I wouldn't have a clue who this guy was, but since these days I am striving to at least glimpse into the technology and strange music (?!?!?!) filled lives of the young generation I dare say - WOW! I guess it would be like bumping into Pavarotti!
