Monday, November 4, 2013

Honimundi's Laws of Travel - Rules are Always Created and Destroyed.

When most people go to Lombok, the small Indonesia island just east of Bali, they take fast boat from Bali and head straight for the Gilis, a trio of even tinier islands in the northwest of Lombok. Known for their lack of motorized transport and relatively easy access to naturally grown psychotropics, these little islands surely were appealing. However, when staying in Padang Bai in Bali, the jumping off point for ferries to Lombok, both fast and slow, we witnessed the droves of tourists/backpackers/travellers being herded like cattle from minivans onto the fast boat jetty, ultimately on their way to the Gilis, we resolved not to be one of them.

Rule #180 - Whenever Possible, Take the Road Less Traveled